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Sample Test Plan

Chapter 9 - Issues, Risks and Assumptions


9.1. Issues/Risks

9.2. Assumptions

9. Issues, Risks and Assumptions

9.1. Issues/Risks

1. No further changes or inclusions will be considered for inclusion in this release except (1) where there is the express permission and agreement of the Business Analyst and the System Test Controller; (2) Where the changes/inclusions will not require significant effort on behalf of the test team and will not adversely affect the test schedule. This is a potentially serious issue, as any major changes to design will entail additional time to re-plan testing and to create or amend test conditions
Resp : Byron Ruthlenn
Final list of inclusions to be Signed off.

2. The design of the software must be final, and design documentation must be complete, informative and signed off by all parties prior to System Test proper commences.

Resp : D.A. Stone

3. A weakness in the 'phased delivery' approach is that the the high degree of interdependency in the code means that the smallest changes can have serious effects to areas of the application which apparently have not been changed. The assumption of the test team is that previously delivered and tested functionality will only require regression testing to verify that it 'still' works. I.e. testing will not be intended to discover new errors. Because of this I recommend that there be a minimum 2 days regression testing AFTER the final fix/change has been retested. This however, imposes a fixed time constraint on the completion of system testing which requires the agreement of the Project Leader.

Resp : Byron Ruthlenn

4. Automated Testing
The majority of the Regression testing will be performed using the automated test tool. However, due to the workload required to implement (and debug) the test tool fully it is likely that the return will only be maximised after the 3rd time running the regression test suite for each release. The other major uses of the test tool are for (1) Load Testing, (2) Multi-User Testing, and (3) Repetitive data entry.

Resp : Test Controller

9.2. Assumptions

  • Software will be delivered on time.
  • Software is of the required quality.
  • The software will not be impacted by impending Y2K compliance changes to the external software infrastructure - i.e. any external software changes will have to be compatible with this application.
  • All "Show-Stopper" bugs receive immediate attention from the development team.
  • All bugs found in a version of the software will be fixed and unit tested by the development team before the next version is released.
  • Functionality is delivered to schedule.
  • Required resources available.
  • All service agreements will be met.
  • The automated test tool will function & interface correctly with the software.
  • All documentation will be up to date and delivered to the system test team.
  • Functional and technical specifications will be signed off by the business.
  • All service agreements will be met.
  • The Intranet will be fully functional prior to project commencement. 

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