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Software Test Case Design

Software Testing - Software Test Case Design - Page 6

It should be easy to see that a set of test cases satisfying the multiplecondition criterion also satisfies the decision-coverage, conditioncoverage, and decision/condition-coverage criteria.

1. A>1, B=0     5. A=2, X>1
2. A>1, B<>0 6. A=2, X<=1
3. A<=1, B=0 7. A<>2, X>1
4. A<=1, B<>0 8. A<>2, X<=1

Note, as was the case earlier, that cases 5 through 8 express values at the point of the second if statement. Since x may be altered above this if statement, the values needed at this if statement must be backed up through the logic to find the corresponding input values.

These combinations to be tested do not necessarily imply that eight test cases are needed. In fact, they can be covered by four test cases. The test-case input values, and the combinations they cover, are as follows:

A=2, B=0, X=4     Covers 1, 5
A=2, B=1, X=1 Covers 2, 6
A=1, B=0, X=2 Covers 3, 7
A=1, B=1, X=1 Covers 4, 8

The fact that there are four test cases and four distinct paths in Figure 1 is just coincidence. In fact, these four test cases do not cover every Test-Case Design 51 path; they miss the path acd. For instance, you would need eight test cases for the following decision:

if(x==y && length(z)==0 && FLAG) {

although it contains only two paths. In the case of loops, the number of test cases required by the multiple-condition criterion is normally much less than the number of paths.

In summary, for programs containing only one condition per decision, a minimum test criterion is a sufficient number of test cases to (1) evoke all outcomes of each decision at least once and (2) invoke each point of entry (such as entry point or ON-unit) at least once, to ensure that all statements are executed at least once. For programs containing decisions having multiple conditions, the minimum criterion is a sufficient number of test cases to evoke all possible combinations of condition outcomes in each decision, and all points of entry to the program, at least once. (The word "possible" is inserted because some combinations may be found to be impossible to create.)


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