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Software Test Case Design

Software Testing - Software Test Case Design - Page 12

Cause-Effect Graphing

One weakness of boundary-value analysis and equivalence partitioning is that they do not explore combinations of input circumstances. For instance, perhaps the MTEST program of the previous section fails if the product of the number of questions and the number of students exceeds some limit (the program runs out of memory, for example). Boundary-value testing would not necessarily detect such an error. The testing of input combinations is not a simple task because even if you equivalence-partition the input conditions, the number of combinations usually is astronomical. If you have no systematic way of selecting a subset of input conditions, you'll probably select an arbitrary subset of conditions, which could lead to an ineffective test. Cause-effect graphing aids in selecting, in a systematic way, a high yield set of test cases. It has a beneficial side effect in pointing out incompleteness and ambiguities in the specification.

A cause-effect graph is a formal language into which a natural language specification is translated. The graph actually is a digital logic circuit (a combinatorial logic network), but instead of standard electronics notation, a somewhat simpler notation is used. No knowledge of electronics is necessary other than an understanding of Boolean logic (understanding the logic operators and, or, and not).

The following process is used to derive test cases:

  1. The specification is divided into workable pieces. This is necessary because cause-effect graphing becomes unwieldy when used on large specifications. For instance, when testing an e-commerce system, a "workable piece" might be the specification for choosing and verifying a single item placed in a shopping cart. When testing a Web page design, you might test a single menu tree or even a less complex navigation sequence.
  2. The causes and effects in the specification are identified. A cause is a distinct input condition or an equivalence class of input conditions. An effect is an output condition or a system transformation (a lingering effect that an input has on the state of the program or system). For instance, if a transaction causes a file or database record to be updated, the alteration is a system transformation; a confirmation message 66 The Art of Software Testing would be an output condition. You identify causes and effects by reading the specification word by word and underlining words or phrases that describe causes and effects. Once identified, each cause and effect is assigned a unique number.
  3. The semantic content of the specification is analyzed and transformed into a Boolean graph linking the causes and effects. This is the cause-effect graph.
  4. The graph is annotated with constraints describing combinations of causes and/or effects that are impossible because of syntactic or environmental constraints.


  5. By methodically tracing state conditions in the graph, you convert the graph into a limited-entry decision table. Each column in the table represents a test case.
  6. The columns in the decision table are converted into test cases.
  7. The columns in the decision table are converted into test cases.



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